Thursday, April 26, 2018

Packaging And Exporting Bean Flour

Packaging And Exporting Bean Flour

Beans flour is made from beans seed which have been cleaned, peeled and milled to fine flour. 

It is used for the preparation of dishes such as Moi-Moi and Akara. The preparation process for these dishes used to be very long and stressful; the bean seeds are sorted, dehuled, taken to grinder etc before the main cooking begins. Some women, to prepare akara for breakfast, spend the previous night just preparing the bean seeds.

Bean flour eliminates all the stress in preparation, saving time, energy and cost. Apart from this, bean flour has a long shelf life. Using bean flour, you can make moi-moi or akara anytime you want without having to run to the mill all the time.
There are 3 stages in bean flour production:

  1. Pre-Processing: This involves getting raw materials (bean seeds) to start with. Brown and white Beans which are the main raw materials for beans flour are mostly available and grown in the northern parts of Nigeria. You need to make sure that the varieties you use are strong and free from weevils infestation.
  2. Processing: The difference between making bean flour and preparing bean seeds for immediate use is drying. Processing involves sorting (removing the stones and chaff), dehulling (removing the outer layer), drying, milling and sifting.
  3. Packaging: You package according to buyer specifications . 

Highly profitable.   

You too can start exporting Bean flour today to earn in dollars.     

We have researched into the processes and requirements of exporting
Bean flour

from Nigeria to other part of the world and come out with a report.
The highly informative report / E-book on Bean flour  export from Nigeria cost only Five thousand Naira and is available electronically for anyone interested in Bean flour  export business.

To place order for the export report / e-Book

Visit a branch of Access bank Plc nearest to" you and  pay the sum of N5000 only to:
A/C. Number:0051386690
A/C. Name; Gravy Seed Ventures
You can also make transfer via mobile banking Apps or on ATM machines
After payment text  the followings:
  1. Your Full name
  2. The e-mail address you will prefer to receive the e-Book 
  3. Bank teller  / transaction number
  4. The  e-Book you paid for
to: 07052168220.
A copy of the export e-Book(PDF) will be sent to your email box as soon as your payment is confirmed within 24 hours

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