Friday, April 27, 2018

Packaging And Exporting Okra

Packaging And Exporting Okra

Okra also known as ladies finger in western countries has been described as a flowering plant in the mallow family.

Okra ability to limit nitric oxide build up in the blood and lipid (fat) and reduces the risks of cancers. “Okra is an African vegetable that has been a staple of African and Indian cuisine for many years, and also used for medicinal purposes. 

The health benefits of okra can be attributed to its nutritional and phytochemical constituents making it a vital crop. One hundred grammes of okra has been reported to meet over 20 per cent of the daily values which the body needs. It contains a rare combination of carbohydrates, vegetables, minerals and vitamins.

Packaging And Exporting Shea Butter

Packaging And Exporting Shea Butter

Nigeria is the world’s largest producer of shea nuts. Nigeria accounts for about 57 per cent of the world Shea nut production, with production capacity of 360 metric tons per year.  

The plant can be grown in 20 of the 36 states of the federation which include; Abuja, Adamawa, Benue, Borno, Edo, Katsina and Kebbi. Others are: Kogi, Kwara, Niger, Nasarawa, Oyo, Plateau, Sokoto, Taraba and Zamfara states among others. 
According to Nigeria Institute for Oil Palm research (NIFOR) , Oyo and Kwara  states are the largest production area.

Shea nut is in high demand in the international market mainly for its butter, which is a substitute for cocoa butter in the production of chocolate. There is also increasing demand for Shea butter in pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Shea tree also produces copious amounts of sap, an important raw material for the gum and rubber industry. 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Packaging & Exporting Ogbono Seed

Packaging And Exporting Ogbono Seed

Ogbono otherwise known as etima seed, is used for making good soup when added to vegetables and other spices. It can be cooked alone too. Ogbono soup draws very well.

Ogbono is also  used for medicinal purposes

Packaging And Exporting Bean Flour

Packaging And Exporting Bean Flour

Beans flour is made from beans seed which have been cleaned, peeled and milled to fine flour. 

It is used for the preparation of dishes such as Moi-Moi and Akara. The preparation process for these dishes used to be very long and stressful; the bean seeds are sorted, dehuled, taken to grinder etc before the main cooking begins. Some women, to prepare akara for breakfast, spend the previous night just preparing the bean seeds.

Bean flour eliminates all the stress in preparation, saving time, energy and cost. Apart from this, bean flour has a long shelf life. Using bean flour, you can make moi-moi or akara anytime you want without having to run to the mill all the time.
There are 3 stages in bean flour production:

Exporting Palm Kernel Shell (PKS)

Exporting Palm Kernel Shell 

Palm kernel shell is the housing of palm kernel seed. They are  the shell fractions left after the nut has been removed after crushing in the Palm Oil mill.  

Palm kernel shells have very low ash and sulphur contents. 

Palm kernel shells are versatile and have multiple uses; 

It can be used in its natural form for fuel at power stations, as a clean alternative to coal, to form activated carbon or to pave roads. 

Palm Kernel Shell can be processed into various dimensional grades to suit specific applications such as:-

Packaging And Exporting Ofada Rice

Exporting Ofada Rice From Nigeria

Rice is one of the most consumed food in the world.

.There are two  major types of rice , white rice and brown rice. White rice contains high amount of carbohydrates which is not healthy for individuals struggling with weight loss and diabetics and better choice for healthy eating..
Brown rice however has enormous benefits and some of them are:
  1. The immerse presence of soluble fibre makes it a better choice for controlling blood sugar for a diabetic patient
  2. It is rich in manganese and this reduces the severity of asthma
  3. It is rich in antioxidants which has tremendous health benefits.
  4. It lowers high blood pressure, prevent stroke and heart attack and many more.

Ofada rice is brown rice. No wonder people look out for it during occasions and events. Nigerians residing overseas especially in UK and America are not left out in their love for ofada rice and always ready to pay any amount to have it.
All rice produced and processed in the rice producing clusters of south west Nigeria are named after Ofada, a small rural community in Obafemi Owode Local Government area of OgunState. 
Packaging is an interesting aspect of rice production and you don’t really need to go into farming of the rice. However you can either do the milling yourself or take it to the commercial milling operators and all you need to do is just the packaging.

Exporting Garri From Nigeria

Exporting Garri (Cassava Flour) From Nigeria 

Garri or cassava flour is one of the by products from cassava. It is a fine or coarse granular flour of varying texture made from cassava tubers.

To produce garri is very easy.All you need to do is to get cassava tubers. Cassava is readily available from almost every part of Nigeria, so getting cassava tubers from farmers who are always looking forward to get buyers like you to sell to will be easy.

After getting your cassava tubers in the quantity you desire, you then clean very well, after cleaning, you grated it with water and packed inside sacks , you then put heavy objects on the sack to squeeze starch out of it, you then leave for a day or two to ferment.

Packaging And Exporting Okra

Packaging And Exporting Okra Okra also known as ladies finger in western countries has been described as a flowering plant in the mall...